Recruitment @ Eagle Armor Security

Do you have what it takes ?

Do you have what it takes to become a Security officer working on a diverse range of our clients’ sites or just in one location? To find out if we share the same assessment of yourself, please email your CV and cover letter to, and we will contact you concerning our available recruitment. Eagle Armor Security recruitment will treat all the information you provide in the strictest confidence, the information you provide is for initial suitability assessment purposes only.

The recruitment process not only involves an interview, there are detailed work history checks complying with BS7858 the vetting standard for the manned guarding industry. Your present employer will not be contacted without your permission and not before your interview.

video surveillance video surveillance


Core Competency Training for Security Guarding is delivered in Two stages as follows:

PART 1: Knowledge based training and assessment (3 Days)

  • 24/7 - operations
  • Role and responsibilities
  • Customer Care & Social skills
  • Fire safety
  • Health and Safety
  • Dealing with incidents
  • The Law (Civil and Criminal)
  • Procedures for the control
  • Assignment instructions
  • Rapid re action to intruders
  • Security Fencing

PART 2: Practical scenario based on training and assessment. (1 Day)

  • Communications skills
  • Conflict Management

We Operationalize Security